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The PDF Association celebrates its members’ public statements
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Image of man with a computer display behind him

Global Graphics’ David Stevenson introduces the latest features in Mako Core™, the software development kit at the heart of Global Graphics’ smart print applications.

Person looking at a computer monitor with several documents and computer applications open.

A new method for identifying, tagging or replacing outlined or converted text offers a breakthrough for brand owners who want to maintain control over their artwork.

Textile (piece of fabric) on a weaving loom

Mako Core™ accelerated StealthColor’s© move to fully embrace PDF in their workflow, increasing functionality and enhancing performance in StealthColor’s© digital printing color management software.

Cloud with Celiveo written on it with lines to a printer with a printed document in the output tray

Mako Core™ offers rapid and accurate conversion of Page Description Language (PDL) files on multiple platforms for Celiveo.

Mako image with an outline of a shark

Mako Core SDK empowers developers to build creative and innovative print solutions across cloud, desktop, and mobile platforms.

Person pointing to data on a computer screen

By integrating Mako Core™ into the heart of the YSoft SAFEQ enterprise workflow platform, Y Soft was able to re-prioritize its development and focus its resources on delivering its software faster and improving customer support.

Scrivener Windows View Research

By implementing Mako Core(TM) into Scrivener, the team at Literature & Latte fixed an ongoing problem of exporting to PDF/X-1a on macOS and iOS in a matter of hours.

Images of page prints

Integrating Global Graphics’ Mako(TM) into Vellum has reduced 180g’s customer support load significantly and allowed the company to concentrate on enhancing the software and adding new features.

Man touching a compliance concept

Unfortunately a lot of PDF files are still being made that don’t comply with the standard. The team at Global Graphics Software have developed their own rules around what Harlequin should do with non-compliant files, and invested many decades of effort in test and development to accept non-compliant files from major applications.

graphic siteflow hero screen

HP Site Flow’s architecture relies on containerization to quickly scale up and down as demand dictates. Mako(TM) was key to this approach, offering a small memory and resource footprint, without compromising PDF processing performance. Mako also proved its capability and adaptability by rising to HP Site Flow’s development challenges, resulting in increased productivity and profitability for its users.

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