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The AIIM International Exposition and Conference will take place April 20–22, 2010 at Pennsylvania Convention Center. Again, many PDF/A Competence Center members will exhibit at the AIIM show. Please use the opportunity to meet them in Philadelphia. There will be a PDF/A meeting at April 21st, 6 PM organized by the PDF/A Competence Center.

From: April 20, 2010

To: April 22, 2010

Pennsylvania Convention Center

AIIM logoThe AIIM International Exposition and Conference will take place April 20–22, 2010 at Pennsylvania Convention Center.

Again, many PDF/A Competence Center members will exhibit at the AIIM show. Please use the opportunity to meet them in Philadelphia.

There will be a PDF/A meeting at April 21st, 6 PM organized by the PDF/A Competence Center.

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