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Solimar Systems PDF + JDF = ADF How to make PDF a secret weapon Picture of Pat McGrew and Drew Sprague

How to Make PDF a Secret Weapon for Success in Your Print Environment

Pat McGrew, Industry Expert, Analyst and Managing Director of McGrewGroup and our Solimar President, Drew Sprague, talk about why PDF is winning the standardization battle as compared to other print file types and why PDF is so important.
About the author: Jonathan Malone-McGrew, edp, has literally grown up around PDF and the print and digital communications industries. In his early years, he watched his parents build a successful print software company … Read more
Jonathan Malone-McGrew

September 1, 2021

Member News

Time is money, especially in the ever-changing markets of digital printing and electronically delivered content. As Print Service Providers (PSPs) and In-Plants, your teams are consistently being asked to optimize processes, people and equipment. Every place you are able to find cost containment, cost reduction or efficiency improvements helps with margins on your offerings to your customers. And when you can deliver ahead or on time, it helps customer loyalty and generates a positive customer experience.

Our teams at Solimar Systems believe PDF is a key component to future success. In fact, choosing to center on PDF can become a secret weapon for your environment both from a production printing perspective and an electronic delivery perspective. In this Solimar Secrets video, Pat McGrew, Industry Expert, Analyst and Managing Director of McGrewGroup, and Solimar System's President, Drew Sprague, talk about why PDF is winning the standardization battle as compared to other print file types and why PDF is so important. From their years of experience, they will discuss everything from PDF optimization to the new features embedded in the PDF standards making it possible to do more with PDF than ever before.

As you watch and listen to their conversation, we believe you will discover the important differentiators between other print file types you may be using still today and PDF—and be energized to make the switch. Moreover, for those using PDF, this may give you new ideas for how you can continue to optimize your onboarding, preflight, make-ready and prepress processes, production printing, electronic presentment, reprint process, and archiving or storage.

For more, please go visit the Solimar Systems website.

Solimar Systems enables organizations around the globe to onboard, make ready, enhance, manage and deliver print and digital communications. As an early adopter of the PDF output format, our Chemistry™ platform optimizes and drives a variety of print and electronic workflows including transactional and direct mail printing, accessibility, archive services,…

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