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The PDF Association celebrates its members’ public statements
of support
for ISO-standardized PDF technology.

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Industry Working Groups

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The various Working Groups of the PDF Association reflect the diverse range of subjects and constituencies we serve. Community activities include:

  • Promoting exchange between developers focusing in various subdomains
  • Oversight and policies for industry-accepted validation software such as veraPDF
  • Research and development of new PDF extensions and use cases
  • Development of industry standards, best practices, test suites and other aides to interoperability
  • Developing informational resources for PDF developers and users

Technical Working Group (TWG)

Defining the future of the PDF imaging model.

Chaired by Peter Wyatt
Peter Wyatt
Co-chaired by Leonard Rosenthol

PDF support for engineering applications.

Chaired by Stuart Galt

Exploring pathways to expressing PDF content in HTML.

Chaired by Roman Toda
Headshot of Roman Toda

Video, audio and interactive media in PDF.

Chaired by Patrick Gallot
Patrick Gallot

Reusing PDF content, including “well-tagged” PDF.

Chaired by Matthew Hardy

Advancing forms technology in PDF.

Leonard Rosenthol
Co-chaired by John Brinkman

Digital signing and validation.

Chaired by Michael Klink

Raster PDF from imaging systems, including ISO 23504.

Chaired by Rene Rebe
Rene Rebe

Accessible PDF, including oversight of ISO 14289.

Chaired by Matthew Hardy
Co-chaired by Klaas Posselt

Archiving PDF, including ISO 19005.

Leonard Rosenthol
Co-chaired by Boris Doubrov

PDF errata, new features and ISO 32000.

Chaired by Peter Wyatt
Peter Wyatt

Liaison Working Group (LWG)

Developing common understandings on forensic analysis of PDF files.

Chaired by Patrick Gallot
Patrick Gallot

Developing common understandings and a standard reference model for the … Read more

Chaired by Jaime Yoon
Jaime Yoon
Co-chaired by Dongsun Nam

Formalizing common understandings on processing tagged PDF.

Chaired by Paul Rayius
Photo of Paul Rayius
Co-chaired by Zak Kinsey

Archiving email using PDF.

User requirements for PDF in engineering applications.

Chaired by Stuart Galt

Supporting generation of tagged PDF directly from LaTeX.

Chaired by Boris Doubrov
Boris Doubrov

Supporting print industry awareness and adoption of ISO 21812.

Developing techniques and examples for accessible PDF.

Marketing Working Group (MWG)

Promoting greater awareness of PDF technology and its capabilities.

Chaired by Thomas Zellmann
Picture of Thomas Zellmann

The PDF/UA Marketing Working Group (MWG) provides resources for software … Read more

Chaired by Zak Kinsey

ISO / ANSI Standards Groups

Promoting awareness of StratML.

Chaired by Owen Ambur
Owen Ambur

Best practices on managing ESI.

Chaired by Robert Blatt
Robert Blatt

US mirror committee for ISO/TC 171/SC 2/WG 12

Leonard Rosenthol

US mirror committee for ISO/TC 171/SC 2/WG 11.

Chaired by Robert Blatt
Robert Blatt

US mirror committee for ISO/TC 171/SC 2/WG 10.

4 colored blocks - red, green, blue, yellow, from The PDF Association logo.

US mirror committee for ISO/TC 171/SC 2/WG 9.

Chaired by Duff Johnson
Duff Johnson

US mirror committee for ISO/TC 171/SC 2/WG 8.

Chaired by Duff Johnson
Duff Johnson

US mirror committee for ISO/TC 171/SC 2/WG 7.

Chaired by Stuart Galt

US mirror committee for ISO/TC 171/SC 2/WG 5.

Chaired by Kevin Devorsey

Technical Advisory Group establishing the US position for TC 171 … Read more

Chaired by Duff Johnson
Duff Johnson
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