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Produced by axes4 GmbH

axesPDF is a powerful tool for validating and fixing the most complex challenges faced by remediators. axesPDF simplifies the process of making content fully accessible and compliant with PDF/UA, WCAG, and Section 508. Start with a tagged PDF, find accessibility issues, and fix most of them instantly in a few clicks.

What our customers say about axesPDF

(This section was created by Microsoft Copilot based on customers’ statements.)

The PDF/UA standard has revitalized the PDF format, making it feel more like web pages when read with screen readers. Tools like axesPDF enable accessible design with minimal effort.

Users find axesPDF incredibly time-saving, especially when enhancing tags. It simplifies the process of navigating the tag tree, making corrections quick and efficient.

Many customers are impressed by how axesPDF streamlines their workflow, allowing them to create and correct accessible PDFs in just seconds, enhancing their overall productivity.

Find PDF/UA errors - and fix them right away

Checking for PDF/UA becomes a breeze. The structured and interactive report shows the results of all 89 machine-checkable error conditions in one summary. It is the ideal starting point to find barriers and fix them directly.

Locate errors immediately

Barriers are not obvious at first glance. This is where the interactive test report can help: simply select an error in the report and immediately see, in both the tag tree and in the document view itself, exactly where the error is located.

Select tags easily

Do you want to display the tag for a certain content element? You can easily display a tag directly from the document view. Simply select a content element and use the context menu to decide which tag should be active in the "Logical Structure" view.

Search in logical structure

A tag tree can sometimes be quite confusing. With axesPDF, simply enter the tag you are looking for and the corresponding locations are immediately displayed in the tag tree and in the document view.

Create and edit tags

Since axesPDF 2, you now have advanced tag editing features that make your work even more productive: create new tags, move or delete tags, merge multiple tags into a new container, and reassign content.

Screen reader preview

Because not all requirements are machine-checkable, for a quick visual check, the screen reader preview is an indispensable tool. The screen reader preview shows you all the content, and the order in which an assistive technology such as screen reader would read or display the PDF.Screenshot from axesPDF

Product Type

Windows End user PDF viewer/printer Services Utility

Tagged PDF creation PDF/UA creation Remediate Verify Viewer Remediation services QA services Training Coaching
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