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Cal Poly Graphic Communications PDF/VT Test File Suite 0.1

PDF/VT logoThe Cal Poly Graphic Communications PDF/VT Test File Suite provides a collection of four sets of graphically-rich, robust, valid PDF/VT files for testing and demonstrating products claiming support of consumption of files conforming to the ISO 16612-2 PDF/VT standard.

The PDF Association has graciously agreed to host the test suites as well as the documentation for same.

Documentation & Release Notes

This publication documents this test suite as well as giving general background material on the ISO 16612-2 PDF/VT standard, providing detailed information regarding the PDF/VT test files, their characteristics, their use, and restrictions upon such use as well as release notes. It also documents the PDF/VT Test File Project at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo during the 2013 Winter and Spring academic quarters.

Please download and read at least the first sections through the release notes before attempting to download and use the test files themselves:

Documentation & Release Notes for Cal Poly Graphic Communications PDF/VT Test File Suite Version 1.0.1 – September 1, 2013  (PDF, 22MB)

Test Files

Please note the following restrictions associated with the test files:

  1. These files may not be publicly redistributed from any other venue than the PDF Association website.
  2. The files of the Cal Poly GrC PDF/VT Test File Suite may be freely distributed and used for testing and demonstration purposes, public or private, with the condition that they may not be altered in any manner
  3. All digital imagery used in these documents was donated by the student participants in the Cal Poly GrC PDF/VT Test File Project. The test files may be distributed, printed, and displayed with the imagery intact. However, the imagery may not be extracted and used for any other purposes whatsoever.
  4. The source InDesign documents, digital images, and data files are not available for distribution. The publicly-distributed test files consist strictly of the PDF/VT-1 files generated from such documents, digital images, and data files.
  5. The Cal Poly GrC PDF/VT Test File Suite is offered “as-is” with no implied warranty of any type.

Each of the test files is separately downloadable as a ZIP file:

Problem Reporting & Suggestions

Please feel free to report any problems (in the PDF/VT-1 files or the documentation or to offer suggestions for future enhancements of this test suite to Dov Isaacs at <dov@dovisaacs.com> or Howard Vogl at <hvogl@calpoly.edu>.

Your feedback will be most appreciated. Thank you!

The PDF/VT Test File Project is sponsored and supported by Adobe Systems Incorporated and XMPie, a Xerox Company.

Cal Poly GrC Adobe XMPie logos.


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Documentation and release notes

Documentation and release notes

Published: September 1, 2013


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