Australia adopts ISO standards for PDF
Australia adopts the complete set of PDF standards as Australian National Standards.In May, 2017, Standards Australia adopted the complete suite of ISO standards for PDF as Australian National Standards. A very brief announcement was posted.
Although PDF/X had already been adopted, until this point, Australia had not yet officially adopted the ISO version of PDF, nor other PDF subset standards. The following is Australia's formal nomenclature for each specification.
CiSRA's Peter Wyatt, ISO Project Co-Leader for ISO 32000 and leader of Australia's delegation to ISO TC 171 SC 2, said, "The newly adopted standards create a more open and transparent environment for regulators, end users, vendors and developers. Through ISO consensus-based processes, end users and technical experts from around the world have been able to create specialised PDF standards supporting the needs of various industries. With this transparency developers are able to meet specialized community needs by building upon the core PDF specifications.”
NOTE: All the Australian adoptions start "AS ISO", and use periods instead of dashes for part-numbers. PDF/X series were already adopted.
AS ISO 19005.1-2006/Amdt 2-2017 - 2nd Correction Amendment to AS ISO 19005.1:2006
These corrections are based on issues that have been raised by numerous implementers of ISO 19005-1:2005 since its publication (and its associated Technical Corrigendum 1 in 2006). In addition, certain changes made to ISO 19005-2:2011 have been incorporated where appropriate.
AS ISO 19005-2:2017 Document management-Electronic document file format for long-term preservation -- Part 2: Use of ISO 32000-1 (PDF/A-2)
This standard specifies the use of the Portable Document Format (PDF) 1.7, as formalized in ISO 32000-1, for long term preservation of the static visual representation of page-based electronic documents. This standard is applicable to archivists, record managers and organisations that need to keep documents useable and accessible across multiple generations of technology.
AS ISO 19005-3:2017 Document management-Electronic document file format for long-term preservation - Part 3: Use of ISO 32000-1 with support for embedded files (PDF/A-3)
This standard is to specify the use of the Portable Document Format (PDF) 1.7, as formalized in ISO 32000-1, for preserving the static visual representation of page-based electronic documents over time in addition to allowing any type of other content to be included as an embedded file or attachment. This standard is applicable to archivists, record managers and any organisation that wishes to keep PDF documents as containers for other file formats, so that a single physical file contains not only the visual representation, but also other representations including the original authored version, richer semantic formats, or other formats.
AS ISO 14289-1:2017 Document management-Electronic document file format enhancement for accessibility - Part 1: Use of ISO 32000-1 (PDF/UA-1)
This standard is to specify the use of ISO 32000-1:2008 to produce accessible electronic documents through the inclusion of a variety of semantic information and defining requirements for conforming readers and conforming assistive technology. Businesses, governments, libraries, archives and other institutions and individuals around the world use PDF to represent considerable bodies of important information. These PDF files should be made accessible to users with disabilities.
AS ISO 24517-1:2017 Document management-Engineering document format using PDF - Part 1: Use of PDF 1.6 (PDF/E-1)
This standard is specify the use of the Portable Document Format (PDF) Version 1.6 for electronic documents used in engineering workflows. This standard improves document exchange, collaboration, and print accuracy within engineering workflows, both inside organisations and with extended enterprises of partners, suppliers, customers, government organizations and citizens.
AS ISO 32000-1:2017 Document management-Portable document format - Part 1: PDF 1.7
This standard is to specify a digital form for representing electronic documents to enable users to exchange and view electronic documents independent of the environment in which they were created or the environment in which they are viewed or printed. It is intended for software developers that create PDF files (conforming writers), software that reads existing PDF files and interprets their contents for display and interaction (conforming readers), and PDF products that read and/or write PDF files for a variety of other purposes (conforming products).