Imaging Model TWG
Unlike many other areas of PDF, the PDF imaging model has not changed since PDF 1.5, in 2003.
The Imaging Model Technical Working Group (TWG) is the meeting place for the work associated with research and development of proposals for changes to rendering, color management, 2D raster file formats, and transparency blending (outcome of Symposium on Advancing PDF).
Key subjects under consideration include, but are not limited to:
- HDR (High Dynamic Range) rendering
- New raster image formats (e.g., AVIF & JPEG XL)
- NChannel transparency blending
Other areas of interest in the overall project of Advancing the PDF imaging model are being taken up in the PDF TWG, the Rich Media TWG, and other Working Groups as may be developed to meet specific areas of development.
PDF Association members can join the Imaging Model TWG by logging into, visiting the Member Area and clicking “Manage Communities”.
PDF Association LWGs are open to experts who wish to participate as either Invited or Liaison experts subject to their agreement with the PDF Association’s IPR Policy and Code of Conduct. Contact the for more information.