Entirely barrier-free: PDF/UA in the Banking Industry
callas software explains in his recent blog, how banks can ensure that their documents and forms offered on the Internet are barrier-free.The topic of accessibility is of high relevance for banks, but concentrates primarily on the good accessibility of the branches. Deutsche Bank, for example, writes on its website: "Accessibility, customer satisfaction, responsible business and secure banking are very important to us. After all, 487 of its 734 branches in Germany are barrier-free and online banking should also be completely barrier-free. However, PDF files are not displayed to be barrier-free.
The situation is different with the savings banks. The German Savings Banks and Giro Association has launched the "Accessible Banking Services" project and offers corresponding solutions with which branches can design their PDFs barrier-free. Sparkasse Dachau, for example, offers PDF/UA-compliant documents.
The goal of banks should be that all information should also be accessible by people who use special tools - such as screen readers, special mouse or voice output and input. The ISO-certified PDF/UA format (Universal Accessibility) can help to ensure that the documents and forms offered on the Internet are barrier-free.
Read to find out more: https://www.callassoftware.com/en/blog/entirely-barrier-free-pdf-ua-in-the-banking-industry
callas software finds simple ways to handle complex PDF challenges. As a technology innovator, callas software develops and markets PDF technology for publishing, print production, document exchange and document archiving. callas software helps agencies, publishing companies and printers to meet the challenges they face by providing software to preflight, correct…
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