The DVBS – German Association of Blind and Partially Sighted Students and Professionals (Deutscher Verein der Blinden und Sehbehinderten in Studium und Beruf e. V.) works with the ‘BIT inklusiv’ project to promote new employment opportunities through accessible information technology. Other features of the project include the sharing of know-how via competence centers, and by training of key personnel within interested organizations. In this way, BIT seeks to provide and propagate awareness and knowledge required for accessible IT. BIT also continues to support development of standardized test procedures for evaluating the accessibility of desktop applications. A practical suitability test for the use of IT applications with assistive technology tools such as screen readers will be developed in collaboration with experts in relevant areas. Joint projects with the PDF Association:
- Translation of the PDF Association’s Matterhorn Protocol into the German language
- Development of guidelines for testing accessible PDF files using ISO 14289 (PDF/UA)
Member Info
Liaison Member
Joined January 2015
Headquartered in Germany