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The PDF Association celebrates its members’ public statements
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for ISO-standardized PDF technology.

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PDF Association to Serve as ANSI-Accredited US Technical Advisory Group Administrator for ISO TC 171 SC 2

The PDF Association is now accredited by ANSI to serve as the ANSI-accredited U.S, Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Administrator for the U.S. TAG to ISO TC 171 SC 2, the working groups responsible for the PDF specification and several of its subset standards.
About the author: The PDF Association staff delivers a vendor-neutral platform for PDF’s stakeholders, facilitating the development of open specifications and ISO standards for PDF technology. The staff are located in Germany, the … Read more

April 30, 2020, Berlin. The PDF Association, a worldwide Berlin-based non-profit industry association, through its U.S. subsidiary PDF Association, Inc., is pleased to announce that it has been accredited by ANSI to serve as the U.S, Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Administrator for the U.S. TAG to ISO Technical Committee (TC) 171, Subcommittee (SC) 2, that focuses on the PDF file format, PDF subsets (including PDF/A and PDF/UA) and related file formats. The role was previously held from 2017-2020 by the 3D PDF Consortium.

The ANSI-Accredited U.S. TAG represents the United States at ISO meetings by developing and communicating votes on the activities and ballots of the ISO subcommittee’s working groups. In its new role as U.S. TAG Administrator and ISO committee manager on behalf of ANSI the PDF Association will execute the administrative and management functions required to operate the U.S. TAG and ISO working groups in accordance with the ANSI International Procedures and ISO’s rules.

“Aligning and integrating the standards development program for PDF and related technologies with the PDF Association’s own membership communities strengthens all the work that we are doing,” said Duff Johnson, CEO of the PDF Association. “We look forward to accelerating the refinement and extension of the family of PDF standards, driving new features that will enrich the format’s value for all users and industries across the entire economy.” 

PDF Association Chairman Matt Kuznicki said, “The PDF Association already connects the industry to the ISO standards development process via its liaison relationship with ISO. Assuming management of the responsible TAG allows us to tighten our alignment with the standards development process and more fully integrates the PDF Association and its members with that process. This will serve to better drive innovation in the PDF ecosystem and ensure the continuing prominence of PDF as the leading digital document technology platform.”

“The current global pandemic underscores the importance of reliable and ubiquitous technologies that enable remote working,” said Leonard Rosenthol, a PDF Association Board Member, Adobe Senior Principal Scientist and the Chair of TC 171 SC 2. “The PDF Association’s enhanced role will help accelerate the pace of development in PDF technology.”

Adobe, a Partner member of the PDF Association, has enhanced its support to help launch the expanded organization via its Adobe Standards Support Endowment

Although the PDF Association is a membership organization, the U.S. TAG is open to anyone meeting the definition of U.S. National Interested Party. It is not limited to members of the PDF Association or those involved strictly with PDF.

PDF Association expansion

To support the PDF Association becoming a full-fledged standards development organization (SDO), the organization itself is growing. Longtime Executive Director Duff Johnson will assume the new role of CEO. Thomas Zellmann, longtime Berlin-based Managing Director, will focus on PDF technology evangelism, while Betsy Fanning, formerly of the 3D PDF Consortium and AIIM, is joining the team as Director of Standards.  

A number of new initiatives are already underway, including new working groups, new services for members and all-new events in 2020.

About the PDF Association

First established as the PDF/A Competence Center in 2006, today, the PDF Association is an international standards development organization promoting awareness and adoption of open standards in digital document applications using PDF technology. The association facilitates education, networking and communication, and the sharing of expertise and experience with interested parties worldwide. The current membership includes over 150 enterprises and numerous individual subject-matter experts from more than 35 countries.

The management board includes industry leaders from Adobe, callas software, Dual Lab, Foxit, intarsys consulting, iText, levigo solutions, Nitro Software and PDFTron, and ISO 32000 Project Leader Peter Wyatt. The association’s chairman is industry veteran Matt Kuznicki. The Chief Executive Officer is Duff Johnson, ISO Project Leader of ISO 32000 and ISO 14289.

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