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Actino MakeAccessible

Produced by Actino Software GmbH

The server application from Actino Software can be used to fully automate the process of creating accessible PDFs. Companies and organisations can use the application to subsequently convert existing documents to the PDF/UA standard and set up automated processes for new documents.

Sustainable access and compliance

The European Accessibility Act requires PDF documents to be made available in an accessible form. Irrespective of this requirement, accessible PDFs and their content can be reused much more flexibly to support business processes.

Sustainable access to information is also an important component of ESG (environmental, social and governance) compliance. The aim here is for companies to focus not only on their financial performance, but also on their impact on and responsibility for society and the environment.

PDF documents can be generated from almost any application. MakeAccessible converts these PDFs into accessible PDF/UA by automatically adding the necessary tags and descriptions. The software recognises the headings, paragraphs, lists, images or tables on the page and generates the corresponding tags in the correct order so that a screen reader can read the document aloud.

Product Type

Windows Server Command-line

Tagged PDF creation PDF/UA creation Remediate Remediation services Templates
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