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Produced by axes4 GmbH

Automatically check PDFs for accessibility

You want your systems or software to be able to check PDFs for PDF/UA and WCAG? Then axesSense is the solution!

Checking PDFs for accessibility used to be done one file at a time - for example with axesPDF, the PDF Accessibility Checker PAC, or the web-based axesCheck. With axesSense, you can now automate the whole checking process and check many documents at once.

What makes axesSense unique

  • Integrates with your systems or software: axesSense can be easily integrated into your systems or software as a REST API.
  • PDF/UA Checks as API: Just like with axesPDF, PAC or axesCheck: axesSense covers all machine-verifiable PDF/UA requirements.
  • WCAG checks as API: Just like with axesPDF, PAC or axesCheck: axesSense covers all machine-verifiable WCAG requirements.

Get started with axesSense

Logo axesSense

Product Type

Windows Server Developer tool Services SaaS Workflow management Utility

Tagged PDF creation PDF/UA creation Verify QA services
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