Long-Term Docs enables simple & automatic PDF/A conversion for any business
Produced by Software602
The new service, Long-Term Docs helps simplify the archiving process for business by automatically converting documents according to ISO standards into the PDF/A format. It guarantees the readability of documents by the use of the PDF/A format defined by standards ISO 19005-1:2005, 2:2011 and 3:2012. Intelligent use of PDF/A-3 allows for incorporating original data, such as XML, DOC, CAD and others, into a PDF/A document as an integral archived object. If a format or data cannot be converted to PDF/A, it is treated according to the CAdES or XAdES specifications.
In addition, Long-Term Docs ensures long-term verifiability of other file formats in accordance with the specifications of extended electronic signature - XAdES and CAdES according to the ETSI specification. It validates certificates of incoming documents, verifying 160 qualified authorities (all EU autorities + global VeriSign).
Long-Term Docs ensures that documents are future-proofed against any future format or legislative changes. The software regularly looks after stored documents to maintain their validity as part of an automated maintenance process. Based on the license and software updates, customers are assured that they always meet the requirements of European legislation and are fully compatible with PAdES, advanced format for electronic signatures.