Produced by callas software GmbH
pdfGoHTML is a free Acrobat Plug-in converting tagged PDF files into HTML supporting the ISO PDF/UA standard for universally accessible PDF documents and forms. One simple click on the plug-in button converts the tagged PDF into HTML that is opened in the default browser. In the resulting HTML different views can be selected to examine the tagging structure, have a more flexible reading experience or make the document accessible for people with visual disabilities or dyslexia.
When opening a PDF file, pdfGoHTML immediately indicates whether or not the file is tagged and allows a one-button conversion into HTML in the default browser. Users can easily switch how the HTML is displayed to adjust it to their specific needs: browser default, structure tags, easy reader, inverted, low vision, and dyslexia.
For those who need to evaluate the tagging quality of a PDF file, the structure tags view in the exported HTML provides a very quick, intuitive quality analysis tool that shows where the tagging structure of a tagged PDF needs improvement. callas pdfGoHTML will substantially speed up the creation and evaluation of tagged PDFs, and ensures a much higher degree of usability of tagged PDF files.