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PDFlib Personalization Server (PPS)

Produced by PDFlib GmbH

The PDFlib Personalization Server (PPS) includes PDFlib+PDI plus additional functions for variable data processing using PDFlib Blocks. PPS makes applications independent from layout changes. The designer creates the page layout and converts it to PDF. She takes into account areas as placeholders for variable text and images. In Acrobat she drags a rectangular Block for each area using the PDFlib Block Plugin. Each Block contains a variety of Block properties, such as font size, color, image scaling. The PDFlib Block Plugin offers a Preview feature which shows the results of filling Blocks according to their properties. The programmer writes code to fill PDFlib Blocks with text, images, or PDF pages. He doesn’t need to know the formatting or position of a Block. Use PPS for all PDFlib+PDI tasks plus the following:

  • Customize direct mailings with text and images
  • Fill templates for transactional and statement processing
  • Personalize promotional material with address data
  • Generate individual parts catalogs from a database
  • Produce customized documentation for multiple similar products

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