Produced by PDFix
Automated PDF Remediation
PDFix SDK provides the power to make existing PDF files accessible automatically. It helps you convert PDF files to high-quality accessible PDF/UA. Our auto-tag feature recognizes all important structures in your documents like texts, images, tables, headers/footers, headings, lists, and reading order. Automated batch processing saves time, and reduces remediation costs.
Automated Data Extraction from PDF
Have you ever tried to get any data from various PDF files? Then you know how painful it is. Machine learning techniques help us to create an algorithm that allows you to extract data in an easily readable structured way. Thanks to that, you can recognize all logical structures such as texts, headings, images, tables, headers/footers, lists, etc. You can also scrape these data from your PDFs and convert them to your favorite output as HTML, CSV, JSON, or XML.
PDF to HTML Batch Conversion
With PDFix SDK you can convert PDF to resizable and reflowable HTML. Conversion to HTML makes the PDF content fully searchable and makes it visible through browsers on any device. You can experience truly responsive PDF content and accessibility features. It includes also native form filling directly in the browser with the full support of AcroForm technology including JavaScript support.
Key PDF Features
Together with our special features, PDFix provides a high-performance PDF Library, that allows you to manipulate PDF files easily. We chose modern C++ as the core language for PDFix SDK development with interfaces for .NET, Java, Python, and Wasm.
Use our fast and accurate rendering, search, digital signing, redaction, or other PDF-related features through an easy-to-use API.

API / SDK MacOS Linux Server Command-line Developer tool Java Services Web service Utility