ISO 21757
ECMAScript for PDF — Part 1: Use of ISO 32000-2 (PDF 2.0)
This document is the official ISO standard for ECMAscript support (more commonly referred to as JavaScript) in PDF 2.0. It defines the JavaScript APIs for interacting with both 2D and 3D content in PDF 2.0 files in a vendor-neutral manner.
The PDF Association hosts a public GitHub repository to provide all developers a means of openly reporting issues against any PDF 2.0 based ISO standard for review and resolution by industry. All issues in PDF specifications are important, from minor typos and formatting issues, to larger ambiguous, unclear or apparently contradictory statements. By reaching a consensus on resolutions as an industry, PDF interoperability and implementation reliability will be improved. A full list of all resolved industry-ratified corrections to PDF 2.0 specifications is published as pseudo “track changes” against the ISO specifications, making it easy to identify and incorporate all industry-ratified changes.
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ISO 21757-1 defines the ECMAScript API for automating and interacting with the 2D and 3D content in PDF 2.0 documents.
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Community: PDF TWG
ISO Group Responsible: ISO TC171 SC2 WG7
ISO Status: status of all PDF-related ISO work