The event: “Introducing PDF/UA, the new ISO Standard for Accessible PDF Electronic Document Technology.” is the first stop on a world tour by NetCentric President and US Committee Chair for PDF/UA Duff Johnson to promote awareness of PDF/UA and to highlight the potential of the new standard for ensuring equal access to electronic content to all … Read more
To promote awareness of PDF/UA, the forthcoming ISO Standard for accessible PDF, the PDF Association has partnered with the non-profit-organisation Access for All to solicit its members and others to join in helping the Australian non-profit NV Access enhance their popular open source NVDA screen reader to become the first assistive technology to conform to an ISO standard for accessibility.
Duff Johnson reviews a recent report on PDF content accessibility produced by the Australian federal government. The Report accurately characterizes the current state of affairs for Assistive Technology (AT) users attempting to interact with PDF content. However, it does not clearly identify the reasons why most AT users have a poor experience with PDF. Additionally, the Report provides no comparison of PDF accessibility, functionality, remediation complexity or cost with alternative formats. As a result, several of the Report’s key conclusions are unsupported by the data presented.
NOTE: Since this article was published the ISO specification for PDF/A has added new “parts”. Visit the PDF/A resource page for current information on published versions of PDF/A. Executive Summary PDF/A-1a is the higher of the two conformance levels for PDF/A. This article explains that the “a” stands for “accessible”, and provides an overview … Read more
PDF/A ist das PDF für die Langzeitarchivierung. PDF/A – Ende 2005 verabschiedet – ist das erste Dateiformat, das als ISO-Standard garantiert, dass nun offene Dokumente in Zukunft erstellt und verwendet werden können. Mit “PDF/A in a Nutshell” erhält der Anwender einen Blick hinter die Kulissen des Standards und eine praktische Anleitung, wie er in seiner … Read more