veraPDF consortium wins EU contract to develop an industry-supported open source PDF/A validator
In October 2014 the PDF Association (in association with its veraPDF consortium partners) won phase 1 of the PREFORMA contract to design and develop an industry-supported open-source PDF/A validator. PREFORMA has now awarded Phase 2, prototype development, to the veraPDF consortium.In October 2014 the PDF Association and Open Preservation Foundation (lead partners in the veraPDF consortium) won phase 1 of the PREFORMA contract to design and develop an industry-supported open-source PDF/A validator.
The PDF Validation TWG (PDF Association members only) was the unit of the PDF Association directly associated with the veraPDF consortium project. This organization, which included many PDF Association members in its mailing list, conducted monthly teleconference meetings to review milestones, ask questions and discuss concerns. The TWG performed an oversight function for veraPDF, reviewed test files and performed acceptance testing.
Phase 1 concluded at the end of March 2015. PREFORMA awarded Phase 2, prototype development, to the veraPDF consortium, as discussed in its blog-post kicking off phase 2.
More information
Duff Johnson, PDF Association Executive Director, administers the PDF Associations activities pertaining to the VeraPDF consortium. Please contact Duff with any questions.