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PDF Days Europe 2017 – schedule of sessions

With over 35 informative sessions across a wide range of topics, including the next-generation PDF project, this year’s PDF Days event is especially relevant as we look forward into the future of PDF technology.
About the author: The PDF Association staff delivers a vendor-neutral platform for PDF’s stakeholders, facilitating the development of open specifications and ISO standards for PDF technology. The staff are located in Germany, the … Read more

With over 35 informative sessions across a wide range of topics, including the next-generation PDF project, this year’s PDF Days event is especially relevant as we look forward into the future of PDF technology.

Monday, May 15, 2017
10:00 WELCOME: Matt Kuznicki, Thomas Zellmann, PDF Association
10:30 KEYNOTE: Introducing Next-Generation PDF,
Matt Kuznicki, Datalogics and Leonard Rosenthol, Adobe
11:15 Coffee break and networking
 Tracks User Track
Moderator: Thomas Zellmann
Special Topics
Moderator: Dietrich von Seggern
Next-generation PDF
Matt Kuznicki
11:45 PDF as a Service
Michael Karbe, actino GmbH
The Future of PDF/A and Validation
Dietrich von Seggern, callas software GmbH
Core concepts and use cases
Duff Johnson, PDF Association
12:30 Lunch
13:30 REST API for cloud-based PDF processing
Marco Grossi, iLovePDF & Christoph Burkhalter, PDF Tools AG
PDF 2.0-based PDF/X Standards for Print Workflows
Dov Isaacs, Adobe
Understanding the derivation algorithm
Roman Toda, Normex
14:15 PDF/A Services als Cloudlösung
 width= Sascha Weber, inovoo
PDF/X-ready Online Tools
Stephan Jaeggi, PrePress-Consulting
The Accessibility Gamechanger?
Adam Spencer, Accessibil-IT
15:00 Coffee break and networking
15:30 PDF in a new era of collaboration
Wim Temmerman, Foxit Europe
Print 4.0
 width= Jochen Günther, Color Training
PDF in Web browsers
Jozef Baranec, PDFix
16:15 Central platform for business-wide, standardized conversion of documents to PDF and PDF/A
Carsten Heiermann, Foxit Europe
Translating PDF features to user benefits
Vel Genov, Datalogics
How HTML responsiveness translates to PDF
Samuel Huylebroeck - iText Software
17:00 Review and summary of what we learned today (for all attendees)
Evening event
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
9:00 KEYNOTE: PDF 2.0
Duff Johnson and Peter Wyatt, ISO 32000 Project Leaders
9:45 5 Minutes with a PDF Solution
PDF vendors show off their products in a race against the clock!
10:30 Coffee break and networking
 Tracks User Track
Moderator: Thomas Zellmann
Special Topics
Moderator: Klaas Posselt
Next-generation PDF
Matt Kuznicki
11:00 PDF/raster
Jon Harju, TWAIN
PDF/UA in der Office-Welt
 width= Dirk Frölich, PC & EDV Support Köln
PWP, EPUB and next-generation PDF
Leonard Rosenthol, Adobe
11:45 Die TR Resican in der Praxis am Beispiel des Luftfahrtbundesamtes und der Bezirksregierung Detmold

 width= H.-J. Hübner, SRZ Berlin

PDF/UA Real Life Check
Markus Erle, axes4
Server-side applications
Bruno Lowagie, iText
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Conversion PDF/A-2
 width= Dr. Uwe Wächter, SEAL Systems AG
Organization-wide creation of accessible PDF/UA documents  – The shortest route to 100% PDF/UA
Klaas Posselt, einmanncombo

Olaf Drümmer, axaio software GmbH
Best practices in creation
Matt Kuznicki, Datalogics
14:15 PDF/A-3 - ein Überblick
 width= Dr. Bernd Wild, intarsys
Barrierefreie PDF aus Word erstellen - am Beispiel von Tabellen und Diagrammen
 width= Markus Erle, axes4
15:00 Coffee break and networking
15:30 Elektronische Verkündung von Gesetzen mit PDF
 width= Wernfried Lengert, EITCO GmbH
The Business Value of PDF: Enhancing Your Unstructured Content
Scott Mackey, Adlib
Panel discussion
Several PDF experts involved in next-generation PDF development take audience questions
16:15 What the PDF Association does and what the future holds
 Matt Kuznicki, Chair of the PDF Association
17:00 Member Meeting

The Post-Conference offers all-day sessions; all at the same location!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017 – Post-Conference Workshops
9:30 - 17:00
Next-generation PDF Hackathon
PDFix, Normex
This hackathon will allow attendees to actually put their hands on first prototypes of tools that support next-generation PDF: Play around with examples, or build your own!
9:00 - 17:00
PDF Accessibility Best Practices
Entscheiderwissen und Praxis-Tipps zum effizienten Prüfen, Erstellen und Korrigieren barrierefreier PDF-Dokumente gemäß DIN-/ISO-Standard PDF/UA.
9:30 - 17:00
Erstellung barrierefreier PDF-Dateien mit InDesign
axaio software
PDF/UA-konforme Dokumente und Formulare mit InDesign und axaio MadeToTag erstellen
9:00 - 12:30
Die perfekte digitale Mieterakte
SRZ, Foxit Europe
Überblick über das Thema Digitale Mieterakte, PDF/A und Kompression mit dem PDF Compressor, Wege zur Digitalen Mieterakte, Anwender-Vortrag: eingeladen
Next-generation PDF Hackathon

continued from morning –

PDF Accessibility Best Practices

– Fortsetzung vom Vormittag –
Erstellung barrierefreier PDF-Dateien mit InDesign

– Fortsetzung vom Vormittag –
13:30 - 17:00
Foxit User Group
Foxit Europe
Erstes Treffen von Foxit und LuraTech Kunden und Interessenten mit aktuellen Informationen rund um die Foxit-PDF-Lösungen
End of workshops

More details:

Direct link for registration:

Hotel recommendations and sightseeing tips:

Hotel Recommendations and Sightseeing Tips for PDF Days Europe 2017 in Berlin!

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