Announcing the first PDF Week, May 2-5 2023
A new type of PDF Association event, PDF Week is the ideal way to get to know the experts developing and advancing PDF technology.
The PDF Association is pleased to invite our members and other PDF technology stakeholders to an entirely new type of PDF Association event: PDF Week.
Starting in 2023 the PDF Association will co-locate in-person meetings of its Technical and Liaison Working Groups with those of ISO TC 171 SC 2 - the home of ISO standards for PDF. For PDF's technical community, PDF Week is the ideal way to interact with the experts advancing various aspects of PDF technology.
PDF Week offers key benefits for PDF developers, technical product managers and other stakeholders:
- An opportunity to promote your perspective and agenda in-person
- Meet with and learn from industry colleagues, international representatives and end users
- Networking and group events
- Observe and participate in ISO meetings
- Build links from ongoing PDF Association technical activities to ISO standardization
The first PDF Week will be held May 2-5 in Paris, most likely at the headquarters of AFNOR, the spring 2023 meeting host for ISO TC 171. Remote attendance will be possible, but obviously, would be a much less rewarding experience.
More details will be forthcoming soon; monitor the event page for updates!