Breaking the Ice with Melina and Duff
Join pdfa.org for exclusive member benefits tailored to PDF development. Our Member Benefit Manager, Melina, engages in insightful discussions with CEO Duff Johnson, providing invaluable insights into maximizing membership advantages.
At pdfa.org, we offer a plethora of member benefits to our existing members and those aspiring to join our community. The majority of PDF Association members consist of companies or individual consultants who rely on industry resources to develop PDF-related products or services. Many of these developers also double as software manufacturers, leveraging the marketing assets provided by the PDF Association to promote their products effectively.
As an association, our goal is to ensure that our members can make the most out of their member benefits. This task falls under the responsibility of our Member Benefit Manager, Melina. Periodically, Melina steps into the shoes of a member and engages in discussions with our CEO, Duff Johnson, on various topics related to membership. And we don't want to keep these insights to ourselves! On this page, you can view the video recordings of these discussions.
Many more discussions will follow suit, so stay tuned!
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