Compart at the “IT for Insurances” on November 29 and 30, 2022 at the Congress Center Leipzig, Booth C12
Compart will be focusing on process automation and interactive communication in the insurance industry at this year’s “IT for Insurance” trade congress on November 29 and 30, 2022 in Leipzig (Congress Center Leipzig).Make a personal consultation appointment with Compart's product experts here:
REGISTER TO ATTENDNovember 29-30, 2022
Congress Center Leipzig, Stand C12
Compart, an internationally active manufacturer of software in the field of Customer Communication Management (CCM), will be focusing on the topics of process automation and interactive communication in the insurance industry at this year’s “IT for Insurance” trade congress on November 29 and 30, 2022 in Leipzig (Congress Center Leipzig, Booth C12).
According to analyst Aspire, the up-and-coming CCM technology provider will be presenting its DocBridge® Gear (process automation) and DocBridge® Impress (document creation) solutions, among others. Both products are aimed specifically at insurance companies that want to renew their document creation in the sense of modern, interactive omnichannel customer communication and largely automate upstream and downstream processes, taking into account existing infrastructures.
DocBridge® Impress, a cloud-enabled, robust document editor with formatting engine, can be used, among other things, as an interactive letter-writing system based on preconfigured templates. This type of document creation, also known as Guided Interactive, is particularly important for insurance companies with a high proportion of interactive communication. DocBridge® Impress is ideal for companies with large volumes of legacy output that are looking for a cost-effective and powerful formatter as an alternative to a full composition platform.
Congress visitors will be able to see the document and output management specialist’s innovative product strategy for themselves at the Compart booth (C12). Much of the DocBridge® CCM platform has been migrated to a cloud-enabled, microservices-based architecture. The switch to services provided as containers enables users to obtain the software as a whole, but also individual functions, via the cloud or to integrate them into their own cloud platforms.
Compart implements complex CCM projects with industry-experienced integration and migration partners
In this context, the DocBridge® Gear solution for modeling, orchestrating and automating CCM processes plays a strategically important role within the product portfolio. It is based on a visual drag-and-drop interface that allows users to design and implement processes quickly and with little programming knowledge (low code/no code).
DocBridge® Gear enables connectivity with back-office legacy applications and aligns insurers’ customer communications with modern CCM standards. The software is suitable both for the downstream market, i.e. for printers and output management departments at insurers, and for upstream automation, for example of document creation processes or their linkage with CRM and ERP systems.
Compart will be showing both solutions at booth C12, as well as other components and tools from the DocBridge® CCM platform – including DocBridge® Mill Plus and DocBridge® Pilot for classic document and output management (post composition). In this area, Compart has been one of the most important market players worldwide for many years.
Stefan Wagner, Regional Manager Compart Northern Europe: “With our customized solutions for automated customer communication on all analog and digital channels, we support insurers in meeting the current challenges technologically and organizationally. We deliberately focus on topics such as interactive document creation, automation of upstream and downstream processes, and compliance because we know that they are particularly pressing for insurers. Together with industry-experienced integration and migration partners, Compart is able to implement even complex CCM projects on time and on budget.”