Foxit Europe to debut at CeBIT
Berlin / Hannover, February 27 2017. Foxit Europe GmbH, the European PDF Center of Excellence, will attend CeBIT for the first time this year. From March 20-24, at Stand D30 in Hall 3, the company will exhibit its “one-stop shop”, a complete portfolio of fast, cost-effective and reliable PDF solutions. “As a European PDF Center of Excellence, we want to help users resolve all the challenges that surround the PDF format”, said Carsten Heiermann, CEO of Foxit Europe. “CeBIT is an excellent opportu … Read more
Berlin / Hannover, February 27 2017. Foxit Europe GmbH, the European PDF Center of Excellence, will attend CeBIT for the first time this year. From March 20-24, at Stand D30 in Hall 3, the company will exhibit its “one-stop shop”, a complete portfolio of fast, cost-effective and reliable PDF solutions.
“As a European PDF Center of Excellence, we want to help users resolve all the challenges that surround the PDF format”, said Carsten Heiermann, CEO of Foxit Europe. “CeBIT is an excellent opportunity for us to clarify this approach to our products and our team’s specialist skills with the show’s visitors.”
PhantomPDF – a complete PDF editor with an attractive licensing model
With 425 million users and over 100,000 customers, Foxit is one of the world’s leading providers of fast, cost-effective and reliable PDF software solutions. Its flagship product, PhantomPDF, is a user-friendly PDF editor which can be put to use at a moment’s notice. It offers a comprehensive range of functionality at an affordable price. In Hanover, visitors will be able to see the latest German-language edition, Version 8.2. Among other things, this version now includes a feature which allows users to convert websites into PDF documents. Support for ConnectedPDF has also been expanded. This technology improves productivity when creating, sharing and tracking PDF documents by assigning them a unique document ID. Cloud functionality allows users to access their PDF documents at any time, giving them full control over document access and versioning.
Server-based data conversion
In terms of server-side solutions, Foxit Europe will present the PDF Compressor – the practical solution for compressing scanned documents and converting them to PDF and PDF/A – as well as the Rendition Server, which is a centralized platform for business-wide, standardized conversion of documents to PDF and PDF/A. It relies on easy-to-integrate web services which are universally addressable using any computer or end device (such as an iPhone or tablet) and any programming language.
Easy-to-integrate SDKs for all kinds of PDF challenges
As well as PhantomPDF, the PDF Compressor and the Rendition Server, Foxit Europe will present its software development kits, which developers can use to add PDF functionality to their products. In particular, this includes the PDF SDK, which can add PDF document display and editing features to existing applications as well as the ability to fill in PDF forms.
About Foxit Europe GmbH:
Foxit is a leading software provider of fast, affordable and secure PDF solutions. Businesses and consumers increase their productivity by using Foxit’s client- and server-side solutions to work with PDF documents and forms. Foxit ConnectedPDF is a pioneering technology whose functionality is integrated into products such as PhantomPDF, greatly improving collaboration and productivity when creating, sharing and tracking PDF documents worldwide. Foxit’s Software Development Kits (SDKs) help developers reduce costs and improve time to market by easily integrating robust PDF technology into application workflows.
Foxit Europe GmbH, based in Berlin, develops server-based PDF document and data conversion solutions in the form of the PDF Compressor and the Rendition Server, as well as providing bespoke services and outstanding support. As a European PDF Center of Excellence, the company helps users to tackle all of the challenges associated with the PDF format.
Over 425 million users and more than 100,000 customers across over 200 countries use Foxit’s products, which fully meet the ISO standard 32000 for PDFs. As a Member of the Board of the PDF Association, Foxit also actively works to further develop all PDF-related ISO standards.
Foxit maintains branch offices worldwide, including in the USA, Asia and Europe.
Further information: https://www.foxitsoftware.com
Editorial Contacts:
Foxit Europe GmbH
Carsten Heiermann
Neue Kantstr. 14
D-14057 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 394050-0
Fax: +49 30 394050-99
good news! GmbH
Nicole Körber
Kolberger Str. 36
D-23617 Stockelsdorf
Tel.: +49 451 88199-12
Fax: +49 451 88199-29
Founded in 2001, Foxit is a leading provider of innovative PDF and eSignature products and services, helping knowledge workers increase productivity and do more with documents. Foxit combines easy-to-use desktop software, mobile apps, and cloud services in one powerful solution: The Foxit PDF Editor Suite. This Intelligent Document Platform allows…
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