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How does this customer process 50 percent more print data with callas pdfToolbox?

Procedes, a service provider for large format digital prints, textile architecture and aluminum construction, was able to automate its prepress area to a high degree with the support of Impressed and callas software.
About the author: Akash Choudhary, Product Manager at callas software GmbH considers himself as a lifelong student of PDF products and technologies. With a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering and a … Read more
Akash Choudhary

December 16, 2021

Member News Case study

Procedes prints around 500 PDF files a day during peak periods. Until 2013, the company used action lists to do this manually, which was time-consuming. To reduce this, the print service provider decided to increase the level of automation in the prepress area. The aim was to check print data more quickly, safeguard processes and avoid manual errors. Impressed implemented a few solutions for this purpose:

  • A web-based tool developed in-house maps production jobs on the basis of Microsoft's SQL server. This allows Procedes employees to view the current order status at any time using a traffic light system.
  • callas pdfToolbox, as a complete solution for the automated processing of PDF files, checks and corrects the incoming PDF files for the resulting largely automated production.

Seamless process

Procedes also relies on Microsoft Dynamics Nav. “Our clerks in the engineering department enter the orders received by e-mail into the ERP system. Our web tool then reads out the order data for further processing”, says Jörn Kleinekathöfer from the IT department at Procedes. The data is then visually inspected. If no abnormalities are detected, the automated process starts with pdfToolbox. The software checks the incoming print data for resolution, color spaces, fonts, and dimensions. Any errors detected are corrected as automatically as possible. In addition, pdfToolbox takes care of integrating the output intent, adding print allowances and replacing any spot colors. It also converts the customer data into a standardized ICC profile via an integrated DeviceLink profile, which enables color transformation directly from the source to the target in one profile - allowing better results to be achieved. The data supplied by the customer is thus made suitable for the specific production conditions at Procedes.

Hardly any manual intervention

“As soon as the customer data is available in our web tool, the subsequent process, including checking, correction and editing of the PDFs up to printing, is automated”, explains Carsten Uebermuth, Head of Prepress at Procedes. To save time, his employees already fill the system at the end of the working day so that they can print the processed data immediately the next morning. They only have to intervene manually in the event of error messages. “Overall, we have been able to increase the performance of processing incoming print data by at least 50%, so that we no longer reach any capacity limits”, says Carsten Uebermuth. In principle, however, the quality of the print files supplied has also improved. A few years ago, for example, font problems were commonplace. Procedes has also benefited from the fact that customers and agencies have now built up expertise and are already supplying higher-quality files.

Looking to the future

Procedes intends to further expand the level of automation in the prepress area and is working on a way for customers to upload print data directly on an order-by-order basis. This would eliminate the need for manual input into Microsoft Dynamics Nav of jobs currently received by e-mail. The company also plans to pass on the expertise it has built up at its headquarters to other sites so that they too can automate their prepress operations.

callas software finds simple ways to handle complex PDF challenges. As a technology innovator, callas software develops and markets PDF technology for publishing, print production, document exchange and document archiving. callas software helps agencies, publishing companies and printers to meet the challenges they face by providing software to preflight, correct…

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