It’s time to update PDF’s Imaging Model
PDF’s imaging model is due for its first refresh in 20 years. You can participate by joining the new PDF Association Technical Working Group dedicated to this objective.
PDF's imaging model has not changed for 20 years, since PDF 1.5 introduced JPEG 2000.
It’s time to consider some changes.
New technologies proposed for PDF
Based on feedback from members of ISO TC 171 SC 2 and ISO TC 130 WG 2, as well as other contributors, the Board has decided to create a new TWG to serve as a forum dedicated to evaluating and specifying possible new imaging technologies for PDF. Some of the areas already slated for review include:
- New raster image formats (e.g., AVIF & JPEG XL)
- HDR (High Dynamic Range) rendering
- NChannel transparency blending
- Modern font features, including color, variability, transparency, and animation
- Variable width strokes
Imaging Model TWG
The new Imaging Model Technical Working Group (TWG) is a new working group for PDF Association members who wish to participate in updating the PDF specification. Besides PDF Association membership, experience and/or interest in rendering, color management, fonts, graphic elements, raster file formats, or transparency (and how it all comes together) is the only prerequisite. A key aspect on looking to the future is backwards compatibility and support for PDF's highly reliable appearance model.
The Imaging Model TWG is co-chaired by Peter Wyatt, CTO of the PDF Association and ISO Project Leader for ISO 32000 and Leonard Rosenthol, Adobe Senior Principal Scientist and ISO Project Leader of PDF/A-4 and PDF/X-6. All PDF Association members are invited to join the TWG via the Member Area.
The new TWG's first meeting was held Monday, June 26 at 1200 ET. As with all TWG meetings it will be recorded for later review by TWG members who cannot attend. Join today to be added to the calendar invitation.