PDF Days Europe 2018 concludes with record number of attendees
Richard Cohn, Principal Scientist at Adobe and the co-author of PDF 1.0, gave the opening keynote at the PDF Days Europe 2018.

Berlin. With 300 attendees registered for PDF Days Europe 2018, this year’s event was the most popular yet. The agenda included over 30 presentations and panel discussions divided into three parallel tracks. To mark the 25th anniversary of the PDF format, Richard Cohn, Principal Scientist at Adobe and the co-author of PDF 1.0, gave the opening keynote.
The first PDF Days Europe event took place in 2014; since then attendee numbers have increased each year. “We are very pleased to see more and more users, developers, and decision-makers using PDF Days Europe to broaden their knowledge of the leading developer-independent document format,” said Thomas Zellmann, Managing Director of the PDF Association.
The event’s three tracks were aimed at users, developers and marketers of PDF solutions. Each track included essential information about the PDF format, its specifications, and practical usage options appropriate to each audience. In several presentations, for example, experts showed how users could create universally accessible PDF documents.
The agenda also featured the use of electronic signatures and how the PDF format can be useful to compliance with the EU’s new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Developers attending the event praised in particular the numerous technical presentations, where speakers discussed the changes arising from PDF 2.0. In addition to the presentations, which focused on specific technical or practical subjects, PDF Days attendees enjoyed several panel discussions. In particular, the panel session entitled: “5 visions of a PDF future” was very well-received.
Following two days of presentations and panel sessions, PDF Days concluded with a day of Post-Conference workshops on issues ranging from PDF accessibility to PDF 2.0 interoperability as well as several vendor-specific subjects.
The PDF Association will soon publish the presentations and video recordings from PDF Days Europe 2018 on its website at pdfa.org.
About the PDF Association:
First established as the PDF/A Competence Center in 2006, today, the PDF Association is an international organization promoting awareness and adoption of open standards in digital document applications using PDF technology. The association facilitates education, networking and communication, and the sharing of expertise and experience with interested parties worldwide. The current membership includes over 100 enterprises and numerous individual subject-matter experts from more than 20 countries.
The management board includes industry leaders from Adobe, callas software, Datalogics, Dual Lab, Foxit, intarsys consulting, iText, levigo solutions, Nitro Software and PDFTron, and ISO 32000 Project Leader Peter Wyatt. The association’s chairman is Matt Kuznicki, Chief Technical Officer (CTO) of Datalogics Inc. The Executive Director is Duff Johnson, independent consultant and ISO Project Leader of ISO 32000 and ISO 14289.
Further Information: pdfa.org
Editorial Contacts for North America:
PDF Association
Duff Johnson
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Thomas Zellmann
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