How PDF/R helps transforming image capture for mobile and cloud
presented by Rene Rebe, CEO of ExactCODE GmbH and TWAIN Working Group Member
Excerpt: This presentation will summarize last year’s introduction and adaption of PDF/R and show how it fits into the TWAIN Working Group’s vision of mobile and de-centralized cloud based image capture. It will provide an outlook of the work in progress to include highly compressed images in a PDF/R 1.1 revision in the coming years.About the presenter(s)
René Rebe is the CEO of ExactCODE; developing the document capture application ExactScan, OCRKit, Recompress as well as Embedded and Virtualization w/ Linux.
This presentation will summarize last year’s introduction and adaption of PDF/R and show how it fits into the TWAIN Working Group’s vision of mobile and de-centralized cloud based image capture. It will provide an outlook of the work in progress to include highly compressed images in a PDF/R 1.1 revision in the coming years.
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