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Hierarchical inclusion rules

This machine-readable Excel file provides a compact table representing the allowable containment of structure element types known as the “hierarchical inclusion rules” defined in ISO TS 32005 for use with PDF 2.0, WTPDF and ISO 14289-2 (PDF/UA-2). Although they are in many cases consistent with best practice, these rules were not designed for files conforming to ISO 32000-1 (PDF 1.7) and ISO 14289-1 (PDF/UA-1).

The table is informative; ISO TS 32005 is normative. In the event of a contradiction ISO TS 32005 rules.

The PDF Association expresses its thanks to Karen McCall for her help in ensuring that this Excel file is accessible.

Proposed and resolved errata to inclusion rules

Errata submitted against this document are tracked on GitHub, and when resolved by the PDF/UA TWG, are added to the errata worksheet in the Excel file. Feel free to add suggestions or review existing errata there.


Download the Excel file

Published by the PDF Association


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