Save the Date: PDF Days Europe 2018, May 14-16, in Berlin
PDF Days Europe is the most popular PDF event of the year. It’s where the PDF industry meets, and where institutional and corporate users come to learn what else PDF could do for them. The first two PDF Days will offer a broad range of educational sessions focussed on current and perennial topics in the world of PDF technology implementation.About the author: The PDF Association staff delivers a vendor-neutral platform for PDF’s stakeholders, facilitating the development of open specifications and ISO standards for PDF technology. The staff are located in Germany, the … Read more

Agenda 25 & 10 - 25 years of PDF - 10 years as an ISO standard
PDF Days Europe is the most popular PDF event of the year. It's where the PDF industry meets, and where institutional and corporate users come to learn what else PDF could do for them.
The first two PDF Days will offer a broad range of educational sessions focused on current and perennial topics in the world of PDF technology.
New designed tracks!
Based on answers to the attendee survey from PDF Days Europe 2017, we will offer three redesigned tracks:
- PDF for users! With use cases and practical solutions for business.
- PDF for developers! Technical presentations around PDF 2.0.
- PDF for marketers! Marketplace information and resources for PDF Association members.
Expect topics such as:
- ISO standardized PDF: what's current and what's next
- PDF market analysis
- Next-generation PDF
- PDF in mobile implementations
- Accessible and reusable PDF files
- Especially for our members: Using PDF Association resources to augment your own marketing
- and much more!
On May 16 PDF Days continues with an interesting post conference program, and for developers, a PDF 2.0 Interop Workshop.