Supporting publications and test suites
We’ve established a new public GitHub repository to allow anyone to log and discuss issues and requests against PDF Association publications.
Over the years the PDF Association has published a growing library of information and resources in support of official PDF specifications. These publications and assets support a wide variety of stakeholders. Like anything else made by humans, they may contain mistakes, contain ambiguities, miss key concerns, or become dated due to advances in PDF technology. These publications include:
- Best Practice Guides (BPGs)
- Application Notes
- Technical Notes
- Whitepapers
- Cheat sheets
- Test and compliance suites
- “Nutshell” publications
While we receive feedback on such publications via email, our success in establishing a public forum for reporting errata and enhancements against official PDF specifications (covering both ISO and industry-based specifications) has encouraged us to create a similar publicly visible means for stakeholders to report issues and make requests regarding supporting publications.
We’ve established a new public GitHub repository – https://github.com/pdf-association/report-an-issue to allow anyone to log and discuss issues and requests. By monitoring the repo, stakeholders will know when an updated or new asset resolves a given issue, as the issue will be closed. We’ve kicked off the repository with our internal list of issues and requests to provide visibility into some of the work behind the scenes. Feel free to join the discussion or add new ideas!
On behalf of every PDF user, we thank our many members and volunteers who contribute their time and energy to creating and maintaining these publications and assets. If you aren’t already a member, by joining the PDF Association you can join the teams that oversee many of these publications and assets, ensuring that voices from all stakeholder groups are represented.