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The PDF Association celebrates its members’ public statements
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ISO 15930-9 Cover

The ISO 15930 family of standards define PDF/X, which support the graphic arts and professional printing sectors.

This webinar answers the question on which technology is best suited for which use-case. After a (high-level) review of each solution, the pros and contras of automation using these different technologies are summarized so that you can take an informed decision and use what is best for your environment. July 16, 4 pm CEST. To … Read more

You have downloaded the trial version or you recently bought pdfToolbox Desktop from callas software? Congratulations! But how does it go from here? Exactly, that’s why we organize a free webinar: David van Driessche, CTO at Four Pees unveils the true value of pdfToolbox Desktop showing you:  how you can do basic quality control on … Read more

PDFX-ready veranstaltet einen Event am 10. Oktober 2012 zum Thema PDFX-ready-Zertifizierungen auf Basis von PDF/X-4. Stephan Jaeggi, der Leiter der Zertifizierungsgruppe, wird die neuen Zertifizierungen vorstellen.

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