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The PDF Association celebrates its members’ public statements
of support
for ISO-standardized PDF technology.

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ISO 16613-1 Cover

PDF/VCR enables variable data printing applications using PDF template-based variable content substitution and a framework for in-RIP variable content merging.

ISO 15930-9 Cover

The ISO 15930 family of standards define PDF/X, which support the graphic arts and professional printing sectors.

In the recent blog from callas software Stephan Jaeggi, publisher of PDF-AKTUELL, looks back on how PDF has changed prepress production over the last 25 years.

Dietrich von Seggern, Managing Director at callas software, explains why there are so many different PDF based standards.

Anwender von QuarkXPress 2018 können mit der pdfToolbox Technologie eine PDF-Datei erstellen, die PDF/X-4 und gleichzeitig PDF/A-2 kompatibel ist (Quelle: Quark Europe Ltd.)Berlin. Die für Mitte Mai 2018 angekündigte Version QuarkXPress 2018 bietet den Anwendern unter anderem weitergehende Möglichkeiten für das professionelle Print-Publishing. Dazu gehören die zusätzliche Verarbeitung von Color-Font-Schriften, höhere Kompressionsraten und das Erstellen von PDF-Dateien, die sowohl dem PDF/A- als auch dem PDF/X-Standard entsprechen. Möglich wird dies durch die vollständige Integration der pdfToolbox der callas software GmbH. Als Software Development Kit (SDK) fügt sich die Software nahtlos in bestehende Lösungen ein.

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Users of QuarkXPress 2018 can also use the pdfToolbox technology to create a single PDF file which complies with both PDF/X-4 and PDF/A-2. (Source: Quark Europe Ltd)The next version of QuarkXPress 2018, due for release in mid-May, offers users a range of new features, including a deeper selection of options for professional print publishing. These include additional processing for color fonts, higher compression rates and the ability to create PDF files which comply with both the PDF/A and PDF/X standards. This is made possible thanks to the complete integration of pdfToolbox from callas software GmbH. Acting as a software development kit (SDK), pdfToolbox fits seamlessly into existing solutions.

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For callas software, PDF Days Europe is one of the most important events of the year. The provider of automatic PDF processing in pre-press and archiving solutions is on the agenda with several presentations as a Gold Sponsor. In addition, callas software will host a Post-Conference workshop introducing the milestone release of pdfToolbox 10.

callas software wird als Goldsponsor auf den PDF Days Europe mehrere Vorträge halten und einen Workshop zur neuen Version 10 von pdfToolbox ausrichten.

callas software is inviting all interested parties to a VIP Event for the print and publishing sector. The event will be held on November 6-8, 2017 in Vienna. The first two days of the event will consist of a number of presentations providing detailed advice and information, including news from the world of PDF standards and callas pdfToolbox. November 8 will then provide an intensive training on specific challenges posed by attendees.

Bei einem gemeinsamen VIP-Event in Wien von axaio, callas und FourPees erhalten Teilnehmer unter anderem detailliertes Wissen über PDF-Standards und pdfToolbox.

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