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BETA release

G4_02 Order of marked content sequences within a tag correctly set



Use case(s): Fundamental 4: Logical Content Order

Last updated on January 3, 2025


The objective of this technique is to show how to order content within a tag to match the author’s intent.

Often, when text or a page is rotated, the content order within the tags is incorrect. In this example, the content order within the paragraphs is correct. Even though English is written left to right, the lines of text within the paragraphs are ordered from the right side of the page to the left.


These minimal examples are designed to express a single Technique. Effective use requires software that supports Tagged PDF.


Expected Results

Checks #⁠1 and 2 are true.


  1. Check that the logical content order of the tags matches the author’s intent.
  2. Check that the order of the content within each tag matches the author’s intent.

Application to WCAG 2.x

This Technique addresses the following WCAG 2.x Success Critieria:

Matterhorn Protocol

The Matterhorn Protocol 1.1 provides an algorithm for conformance with PDF/UA-1. Matterhorn checkpoint(s) (human or machine) relevant to this use-case:

  • Human check01-006
  • Human check09-001

Accessibility Technique Support Finder

Accessibility Technique Support Finders allows you to quickly locate software and services that claim to support a given Technique. Simply search the internet with a given technique’s finder together with the name of your product.

The technique finder for this Technique is: UA1_Tpdf-G4_02

NOTE: the “technique support finder” concept was introduced in January 2025; please allow time for adoption.

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