BETA release
G5_F03 Single semantic unit of content inappropriately tagged
Use case(s): Fundamental 5: Appropriate Semantics
Last updated on January 3, 2025
This example demonstrates a failure condition that occurs when multiple tags are used when a single tag is appropriate, as commonly encountered for:
- Headings
- Paragraphs
- Lists
- Tables
- Columns
These minimal examples are designed to express a single Technique. Effective use requires software that supports Tagged PDF.
Expected Results
Check #1 is false.
- Check that each tag contains all the content that corresponds to the tag.
Application to WCAG 2.x
This Technique addresses the following WCAG 2.x Success Critieria:
Matterhorn Protocol
The Matterhorn Protocol 1.1 provides an algorithm for conformance with PDF/UA-1. Matterhorn checkpoint(s) (human or machine) relevant to this use-case:
- 01-006
Accessibility Technique Support Finder
Accessibility Technique Support Finders allows you to quickly locate software and services that claim to support a given Technique. Simply search the internet with a given technique’s finder together with the name of your product.
The technique finder for this Technique is: UA1_Tpdf-G5_F03
NOTE: the “technique support finder” concept was introduced in January 2025; please allow time for adoption.
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