Videoaufzeichnungen und Präsentationen der PDF Days Europe 2017 jetzt verfügbar!
Hier finden Sie ca. 35 spannende Vorträge der PDF Days Europe 2017!About the author: The PDF Association staff delivers a vendor-neutral platform for PDF’s stakeholders, facilitating the development of open specifications and ISO standards for PDF technology. The staff are located in Germany, the … Read more

Hier finden Sie ca. 35 spannende Vorträge der PDF Days Europe 2017!
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Monday, May 15, 2017 | |||
10:30 | KEYNOTE: Introducing Next-Generation PDF, Matt Kuznicki, Datalogics and Leonard Rosenthol, Adobe Slides: Introducing_Next_Generation_PDF |
Tracks | User Track Moderator: Thomas Zellmann |
Special Topics Moderator: Dietrich von Seggern |
Next-generation PDF Moderator: Matt Kuznicki |
11:45 | PDF as a Service Michael Karbe, actino GmbH Slides: PDF as a Service |
The Future of PDF/A and Validation Dietrich von Seggern, callas software GmbH Slides: The Future of PDF-A and Validation |
Core concepts and use cases Duff Johnson, PDF Association Slides: CoreConcepts |
13:30 | REST API for cloud-based PDF processing Marco Grossi, iLovePDF & Christoph Burkhalter, PDF Tools AG Slides: REST API for Mobile Devices - V2 |
PDF 2.0-based PDF/X Standards for Print Workflows Dov Isaacs, Adobe Slides: PDF 2.0-based PDF-X Standards for Print Workflows - Isaacs |
Understanding the derivation algorithm Roman Toda, Normex Slides: Derivation_Algorithm-v2 |
14:15 | PDF/A Services als Cloudlösung![]() Slides: PDF Days 2017-Sascha Weber |
PDF/X-ready Online Tools Stephan Jaeggi, PrePress-Consulting Slides: PDFX-ready Online Tools |
The Accessibility Gamechanger? Adam Spencer, Accessibil-IT Slides: Accessibility-Game-Changer |
15:30 | PDF in a new era of collaboration Wim Temmerman, Foxit Europe Slides: PDF Days 2017- Slides Wim_final |
Print 4.0![]() Slides: Print 4.0 Jochen Günther |
PDF in Web browsers Jozef Baranec, PDFix Slides: PDF_in_Web_Browsers |
16:15 | Central platform for business-wide, standardized conversion of documents to PDF and PDF/A Carsten Heiermann, Foxit Europe Slides: Enterprise_PDF_Rendition |
Translating PDF features to user benefits Vel Genov, Datalogics Slides: Translating PDF features to user benefits Vel |
How HTML responsiveness translates to PDF Samuel Huylebroeck - iText Software Slides: HTML_Responsiveness |
Tuesday, May 16, 2017 | |||
9:00 | KEYNOTE: PDF 2.0 Duff Johnson and Peter Wyatt, ISO 32000 Project Leaders Slides: PDF20Keynote |
9:45 | 5 Minutes with a PDF Solution PDF vendors show off their products in a race against the clock! Slides: 1-5_Minutes_Foxit_Heiermann 2-CIB-Präsentation 3-callas pdfToolbox SDK 4-PDF Days Europe 5 minutes-axes4 5-axaio 5 Minutes PDF Days 2017 6-Aquaforest 5 Minutes with a PDF Solution 7-ActinoDPS 8-accessibil-it |
Tracks | User Track Moderator: Thomas Zellmann |
Special Topics Moderator: Klaas Posselt |
Next-generation PDF Moderator: Matt Kuznicki |
11:00 | PDF/raster Jon Harju, TWAIN Slides: PDF-raster |
PDF/UA in der Office-Welt![]() Slides: PDFDays2017_df_Office-PDFUA_Handout |
PWP, EPUB and next-generation PDF Leonard Rosenthol, Adobe |
11:45 | Die TR Resican in der Praxis am Beispiel des Luftfahrtbundesamtes und der Bezirksregierung Detmold![]() Slides: PDF Days 2017-TR Resiscan (Kahle) |
PDF/UA Real Life Check Markus Erle, axes4 Slides: PDFU-Real-Life-Check_de_PDF-Association_ |
Server-side applications Bruno Lowagie, iText Slides: Lowagie-server-side-applications |
13:30 | Conversion PDF/A-2![]() Slides: SEAL Systems-eingebettete Dateien nach PDFA-2 |
Organization-wide creation of accessible PDF/UA documents – The shortest route to 100% PDF/UA Klaas Posselt, einmanncombo Olaf Drümmer, axaio software GmbH Slides: PDFUA-Documents-TheShortestRouteTo100pPDFUA |
Best practices in creation Matt Kuznicki, Datalogics Slides: 1330-Kuznicki-best-practices-in-creation |
14:15 | PDF/A-3 - ein Überblick![]() Slides: intarsys |
Barrierefreie PDF aus Word erstellen - am Beispiel von Tabellen und Diagrammen Markus Erle, axes4 |
15:30 | Elektronische Verkündung von Gesetzen mit PDF![]() Slides: 20170516_EL.NORM |
The Business Value of PDF: Enhancing Your Unstructured Content Scott Mackey, Adlib Slides: PDF Days 2017- Adlibv2 |
Panel discussion Several PDF experts involved in next-generation PDF development take audience questions |
16:15 | What the PDF Association does and what the future holds Matt Kuznicki, Chair of the PDF Association Slides: Matt Kuznicki-PDF Association-what it does |