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Sad clown.

With deep regret: PDF Days Europe 2020 cancelled

As much as we were looking forward to PDF Days Europe 2020, including celebrating with our colleagues and friends, the coronavirus and related dynamics affecting both speakers and attendees has led us to conclude that the event is no longer feasible.
About the author: The PDF Association staff delivers a vendor-neutral platform for PDF’s stakeholders, facilitating the development of open specifications and ISO standards for PDF technology. The staff are located in Germany, the … Read more
PDF Association staff

March 11, 2020

PDF Association news

Given the current situation with the coronavirus and its secondary effects on travel and public gatherings the PDF Association had to decide to cancel PDF Days Europe 2020. 

As much as we were looking forward to this year’s event, and celebrating with our colleagues and friends, the coronavirus problem (not merely the health concerns but related dynamics such as media and public reactions, travel restrictions affecting both speakers and attendees has led us to conclude that the event is no longer feasible in late April.

Those who had already registered should immediately cancel any respective airline tickets and hotel reservations, and will receive a full refund for your ticket cost within a few weeks.

We are very sorry for the disappointment and inconvenience, as we were looking forward to a fantastic and well-attended event. We do not take this decision lightly, but it has become clear that we cannot responsibly proceed in the current circumstances.

We are actively considering re-creating PDF Days later in the year, but we cannot be specific at this time. Watch this space!

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