Interop workshops: building a test matrix
How will the PDF 2.0 interop workshops work? This article explains the process of building the test-matrix to establish possibilities for pair-wise testing.Developers participating in the PDF 2.0 interop workshops in the UK (Cambridge) in May, and in the USA (Boston) in June will have the opportunity to test their own files and implementations – even PDF 1.7 implementations – against files and software others have developed for PDF 2.0.
There’s no cost for these workshops, and developers have the option of participating anonymously, or even remotely.
The testing matrix worksheet
Those participating will be asked to fill an Excel spreadsheet listing their test objectives, and specifying the nature of the information they’ll provide based on their own tests. The PDF Association will use this information to create a matrix of possible pair-wise tests while protecting some participants' need for anonymity.
The Excel file collects company and product information, and for anonymous participants, we will assign code-words to any product name provided. The form then asks for the basic type of software (creator, consumer, both) being tested.
Once the basic software type is established, choose the means by which you prefer to share test-results with the test-file's contributor.
For each file (or feature in your software) that you wish to test, please identify areas of testing focus with one row / area of focus. Note that the drop-down is populated by the table-of-contents as provided in the FDIS of ISO 32000-2. PDF Association members can access the FDIS from the PDF Association intranet.
Provide a clearly-identifiable test-case or file-name for each test-file, and indicate whether you'll be providing some test-cases, or are seeking test-cases.
Once you have identified each test-focus and corresponding file, email your Excel file to
Sign up for the PDF 2.0 interop workshop UK today - May 2-3 in Cambridge.
Sign up for the PDF 2.0 interop workshop USA today! It's on June 12-13 in Boston.