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The PDF Association celebrates its members’ public statements
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New features for PDF Association members!

Members should review this post carefully, as these changes affect your current access to PDF Association features including working group listservs. As mentioned earlier this year, the PDF Association is now administering ISO TC 171 SC 2. In connection with this change, and in order to offer enhanced services to members, the PDF Association is launching a series of new features for members. Now you can login to pdfa.org! You will notice a new “Member Area” icon in the top-right of the website – … Read more
About the author: The PDF Association staff delivers a vendor-neutral platform for PDF’s stakeholders, facilitating the development of open specifications and ISO standards for PDF technology. The staff are located in Germany, the … Read more
PDF Association staff

June 25, 2020

PDF Association news

Members should review this post carefully, as these changes affect your current access to PDF Association features including working group listservs.

As mentioned earlier this year, the PDF Association is now administering ISO TC 171 SC 2. In connection with this change, and in order to offer enhanced services to members, the PDF Association is launching a series of new features for members.

Member Area logoNow you can login to pdfa.org!

You will notice a new “Member Area” icon in the top-right of the website - your new login page for members-only resources and services!

Members with existing credentials for the site will soon receive replacement credentials via email.

Members who have not yet created credentials will receive a link to create a new account on the site.

Your company and personal profiles

Members may now update their company profile directly from the member area page. Full and Partner members of the PDF Association are listed in the Member directory.

Employees of member companies - especially if they write articles, give presentations or use the PDF Association for networking - often include a bio and photo on pdfa.org. Members may now update their bio and photo directly, as well as manage their profile’s visibility.

Enhanced product listings

Product listings on pdfa.org now include support for a variety of taxonomies to aid end users in finding matching products. Full and Partner members of the PDF Association may list their offerings in both product and services showcases on pdfa.org and edit these listings directly from the member area.

Working groups

Members of the PDF Association may join any of several technical, marketing and liaison working groups (communities) via the member area.

As part of the overall update to member services we are switching to an all-new listserv infrastructure.

The PDF Association's Google Groups will cease operating and the new listservs will take over on Monday, June 29.

As per European GDPR regulations PDF Association members wishing to receive corresponding listserv mail will be required to confirm their choice. Once approved for community access (please allow 24 hours during the startup phase) you will be added to the respective mailing list and gain access to community-specific resources once they become available.

New ISO documents archive

Replacing the intranet, PDF Association members can now enjoy enhanced access to ISO drafts, reports, collated comments and other committee documents via the all-new ISO N-documents archive.

What’s to come?

The above-mentioned features are just the beginning! More features are on the way!

Got suggestions or questions?

Please contact info@pdfa.org

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