Owen Ambur
Chair of these communities: StratML WGOwen Ambur began his career on Capitol Hill in 1973 with newly elected Congressman Jim Abdnor (R-SD). Subsequently, in the Senate he served as the Senator's legislative director and chief of staff. As Congressional liaison for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, he implemented an electronic document management system, which led to his transition into information resources management. In early 2000, Owen co-founded and chaired the government-wide XML Community of Practice and in 2003 he proposed specification of Strategy Markup Language. StratML Part 1 is an XML vocabulary and schema for strategic plans. It was approved as an international standard (ISO 17469-1) in 2015 and renewed in 2020. Under his leadership as chair of the StratML Committee, Part 2, Performance Plans and Reports, was published in 2017 as an American national standard (ANSI/AIIM 22:2017). Retiring from his position as chief XML strategist at the Department of the Interior in January 2007, Owen continues to actively promote open, standardized, machine-readable public records, a concept codified in law in 2019, the OPEN Government Data Act.