One of the world’s major events on accessibility in IT, the ICCHP 2016 conference (15th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs) takes place July 13-15 in Linz, Austria, on the campus of the Joahnnes Kepler University. Olaf Drümmer, CEO at axaio software GmbH, will be chairing a special session on PDF/UA and its impact on accessible PDF.
Will PDF/UA be an option or a requirement for PDF documents in the coming refresh of Section 508? Duff Johnson walks you through the issues and reviews 3rd party testimony on PDF/UA.
The December 2011 ANPRM asserts it is straightforward to apply the WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria and Conformance Requirements to all electronic content. NetCentric’s Duff Johnson, chair of the US Committee for PDF/UA, contests this claim, provides examples to show PDF/UA’s importance when considering PDF accessibility and argues for specific regulatory language that makes it clear to developers and evaluators alike that PDF accessibility must be assessed in specific technical terms.