One of the world’s major events on accessibility in IT, the ICCHP 2016 conference (15th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs) takes place July 13-15 in Linz, Austria, on the campus of the Joahnnes Kepler University. Olaf Drümmer, CEO at axaio software GmbH, will be chairing a special session on PDF/UA and its impact on accessible PDF.
The pdfChip Hackathon is a technical and hands-on event; bringing your own laptop is necessary. Test licenses for pdfChip, pdfToolbox and pdfaPilot on Mac, Windows or Linux are made available. Some technical knowledge about PDF and HTML will be helpful; the idea of the pdfChip Hackathon is to bring together experts in different fields and have a immediate and intense exchange of expertise.
Das Vereinigte Königreich setzt auf offene Standards wie PDF/A, HTML 5 und ODF.