ISO Standards
September 20, 2022 |
ISO/TS 32001 specifies how to extend PDF 2.0 by adding support for the use of the Secure Hash Algorithm – 3 (SHA-3) and SHAKE256 hash algorithms.
August 1, 2022 |
ISO/TS 32004 is a PDF 2.0 extension that provides integrity protection along with confidentiality for encrypted PDF 2.0 documents.
May 31, 2022 |
This document specifies the set of metadata to be used to communicate the approval status, proof preparation and viewing parameters for images and documents that are used in the graphic arts print production workflow.
December 9, 2021 |
This document specifies Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) interchange as a container for document objects by defining the AFP file format Mixed Object Document Content Architecture (MO: DCA).
July 14, 2021 |
PDF/VCR enables variable data printing applications using PDF template-based variable content substitution and a framework for in-RIP variable content merging.
July 14, 2021 |
The ISO 16612 family of standards defines PDF/VT for supporting variable data and high-volume transactional printing. PDF/VT builds on top of PDF/X.
July 14, 2021 |
The ISO 15930 family of standards define PDF/X, which support the graphic arts and professional printing sectors.
July 14, 2021 |
ISO 19444 specifies an XML format for representing forms data and annotations in ISO 32000-2 (PDF 2.0). It is the XML equivalent of FDF.
July 14, 2021 |
ISO 21757-1 defines the ECMAScript API for automating and interacting with the 2D and 3D content in PDF 2.0 documents.
July 14, 2021 |
PDF/R defines a small subset of ISO 32000 suitable for storage, transport and exchange of multi-page raster-image (scanned) documents.