Are your PDF documents secure, and what should you do to ensure the data they contain is secure? Keeping that data secure is not only a best practice, but is often required by data privacy laws. In this blog and accompanying webinar: “PDF Security: Encryption and Digital Signatures”, we offer you the top three ways to improve your PDF document security.
On February 25, 2019, researchers from Ruhr University Bochum and Hackmanit GmbH published, a detailed explanation of several vulnerabilities they had identified in PDF viewers and online validation services relevant to signature validation in digitally-signed PDF documents. The vulnerabilities are pertinent only to such digitally-signed documents, and not to PDF in general. These vulnerabilities identified change … Read more
SEAL Systems hilft Ihnen… den digitalen Freigabeprozess Ihrer Dokumente durchgängig und nachvollziehbar zu gestalten – mit dem Aufbringen der digitalen Unterschrift der Freigeber auf dem Dokument. extern verteilte Dokumente mit einem eindeutigen Absender zu versehen – mit der digitalen Unterschrift, die den privaten Schlüssel des Absenders beinhaltet, und zwar überall und jederzeit online prüfbar. PDF/A … Read more