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A scene from PDF Week Prague, with many people sitting close together working on their laptops.

Our members made PDF Week Prague a great success

The PDF industry’s technical conference, PDF Week provides an opportunity for cross-pollination, networking and shared experience across PDF’s ecosystem.
About the author: The PDF Association staff delivers a vendor-neutral platform for PDF’s stakeholders, facilitating the development of open specifications and ISO standards for PDF technology. The staff are located in Germany, the … Read more
PDF Association staff

November 14, 2024

PDF Association news

The PDF Association sends a big thank you to all our members who participated (in person or online) in PDF Week Prague 2024, which ran from November 4-8.

We had many great discussions, not only in the meeting room but in early-morning walks through Prague’s foggy streets and over dinner in Prague’s many fine restaurants. 32 attendees were also fortunate enough to participate in Prague’s Invisible Exhibition and Invisible Dinner, simulating the experience of blindness. This event is highly recommended to all, and was of special interest and value to the many members of the PDF Association who work on accessibility for PDF technology.

The meeting-room in Prague with 30 attendees.
Photo: Duff Johnson

In particular, the PDF Association expresses its appreciation to Charles University's Faculty of Mathematics and Physics for hosting us, and to Board member Roman Toda, without whom PDF Week Prague 2024 would not have been possible.

Overview of the work, November 4-8 2024

PDF Association meetings

The river in Prague, with a glass duck in the foreground.
Photo by Melina Tusch

The PDF Forms TWG reviewed its draft specification for the next generation of PDF forms.

The Deriving HTML from PDF TWG reviewed the latest draft of the updated version 1.2 specification and associated issues posted to GitHub.

The Rich Media TWG considered proposals for an extension to support DICOM files in RichMedia annotations and for extending Optional Content into PDF’s 3D and audio/visual contexts.

The 3D PDF TWG reviewed ASME industry requirements for 3D PDF and reviewed outstanding errata filed against the PRC ISO specification.

The PDF Reuse TWG developed a plan for approaching changes to its hierarchical inclusion rules standardized in ISO TS 32005.

The PDF/UA TWG held a working session on the next-generation Matterhorn Protocol and reviewed a request to provide mappings for PDF content and accessibility features to ONIX.

The PDF Accessibility LWG reviewed the status of its website supporting the forthcoming publication of its Techniques for accessible PDF.

10 people around a dinner table in an old Czech restaurant.
Photo by Dr. Elif Caliskan-Erle

The PDF Imaging Model TWG was briefed on members’ work on HDR, JPEG-XL, jpegli and updates from PDF/R TWG.

The PDF/UA Processor LWG received a brief update on progress towards starting W3C’s PDF-AAM Task Force. The group discussed its use-case matrix for evaluating processor responses to ActualText, Alt and Associated Files.

The PDF TWG agreed to update the PDF Association’s PDF 2.0 Application Note on Associated Files, reviewed errata against ISO 15930-9 (PDF/X-6) for upcoming ISO TC 130 WG 2 meetings, progressed various errata, and discussed enhancements logged against the PDF core specification (ISO 32000) in the pdf-issues GitHub repository.

ISO meetings

ISO TC 171 SC 2 WG 10 reviewed comments on the draft reference model for textual documents and agreed to create both an overview document and commence work on the next part of ISO 20271.

ISO TC 171 SC 2 WG 8 approved numerous errata as resolved by the PDF TWG, agreed to move Amendment 1 of ISO 32000-2:2020 to the next stage and discussed a proposed new extension to PDF 2.0 to support multilingual Unicode strings (such as bookmarks and layer names).

ISO TC 171 SC 2 WG 9 advanced its plan for a dated revision of ISO TS 32005, discussed processor requirements, and the upcoming systematic review of PDF/UA-1 (ISO 14289-1:2014).

ISO TC 171 SC 2 WG 7 reviewed and resolved errata on the dated revision of the PRC specification (ISO 14739-1), and agreed to commence an Amendment for errata on ISO 21757-1 ECMAScript for PDF 2.0.

NEW! The inaugural meeting of TC 171 SC 2 WG 13 was held on November 8. The subcommittee’s newest working group, WG 13 is dedicated to advancing content provenance technology via the ISO fast-track standardization of C2PA as ISO 22144. The WG also began work on an extension to PDF 2.0 to support content credentials.

A scene from PDF Week Prague, with many people sitting close together working on their laptops.
Photo by Melina Tusch

About PDF Week

“PDF Week” is the PDF Association’s technical conference series including in-person meetings twice a year, plus a purely online PDF Week as needed. Beyond facilitating extended meeting times for PDF Association Technical and Liaison working groups, PDF Week also includes respective meetings of the ISO subcommittee dedicated to PDF technology and provides an opportunity for cross-pollination across the many areas of interest within the PDF ecosystem. The event provides an ideal means to make connections, find partners, and share experiences all while advancing the industry.

As always, if you want to monitor or participate in the work between PDF Week events you can join any of the PDF Association Working Groups from the Member Area.

Those participating in the industry’s TWGs and LWGs are encouraged to join us for PDF Week Boston 2025, April 28 - May 2! Not all TWGs or LWGs meet during PDF Week, so please check with their community chair or with the standards director before booking tickets!

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