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The PDF Association celebrates its members’ public statements
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With the aim of reducing costs and making information available more quickly, the HDI (Talanx) has launched a large-scale project for the internal and external digitization of its customer communications. The focus is on standardizing output management and embedding individual correspondence in the central dispatch system. In addition to significant postage savings, Germany’s third-largest insurer also achieved higher process reliability in document creation and processing.

Developed by the PDF/VT Competence Center, these application notes demonstrate the various design features of the PDF/VT file format and are designed to aid implementers of PDF/VT workflow tools.

Sie haben sich vielleicht eine Testversion von pdfToolbox heruntergeladen oder sind seit Kurzem stolzer Besitzer einer pdfToolbox Desktop Lizenz? Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Aber wie geht’s jetzt weiter? Genau deshalb organisieren wir ein englischsprachiges pdfToolbox Webinar für Einsteiger. David van Driessche, CTO bei Four Pees, zeigt Ihnen am 9. Juli um 16 Uhr online den wahren Wert … Read more


This flyer explains the specification for PDF/VT, a.k.a. ISO 16612-2. PDF/VT addresses the requirements of modern Variable Data Printing (VDP), bringing all the well-known advantages of PDF workflow to the world of personalized print.

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