PDFlib GmbH
PDFlib GmbH is completely focused on PDF technology. Customers worldwide use PDFlib products since 1997. The company closely follows development and market trends, such as ISO standards for PDF. PDFlib GmbH products are distributed in 100 countries all over the world with major markets in North America, Europe, and Japan.
PDFlib and PDF/A
PDFlib GmbH introduced PDF/A functionality in its products in 2006. PDFlib products were the first with support for XMP extension schemas. All products in the latest version 9 of the PDFlib product family support all flavors of PDF/A-1, PDF/A-2 and PDF/A-3. Download Whitepaper »Technical Introduction to PDF/A«
Tagged PDF and PDF/UA
PDFlib 9 takes care of PDF/UA requirements automatically as far as possible. Developers working with PDFlib products must provide structure information to the PDFlib programming interface so that PDFlib can create the document’s structure hierarchy. PDFlib applies PDF/UA checks to all user-supplied structure tags and attributes to ensure conforming output. PDFlib automatically tags tables and artifacts which is a big time-saver for the developer and simplifies the creation of a standard-conforming structure hierarchy. Alternative text can be attached to images and vector graphics. Sample code for a variety of programming languages and development environments is provided with the PDFlib distribution. Additional programming techniques for PDF/UA are available in the PDFlib Cookbook.
Create PDF/VT
PDF/VT is a standard for optimized PDF for variable and transactional printing. PDFlib can create output which conforms to PDF/VT-1, PDF/VT-2 or PDF/VT-2s according to ISO 16612-2 for Variable Document Publishing (VDP). Document Part Metadata (DPM) can be attached according to the PDF/VT standard.
PDFlib is the leading developer toolbox for generating and manipulating files in the Portable Document Format (PDF). PDFlib’s main targets are dynamic PDF creation on a Web server or any other server system, and to implement »Save as PDF« in existing applications.
PDFlib+PDI includes all PDFlib functions, plus the PDF Import Library (PDI). With PDI you can open existing PDF documents and incorporate some pages into the PDFlib output.
The PDFlib Personalization Server (PPS) includes PDFlib+PDI plus additional functions for variable data processing using PDFlib Blocks. PPS makes applications independent from layout changes.
The PDFlib Text and Image Extraction Toolkit (TET) is a developer product for reliably extracting text, images and metatdata from PDF documents. PDFlib TET PDF IFilter extracts text and metadata from PDF documents and makes it available to search and retrieval software on Windows. This allows PDF documents to be searched on the local desktop, a corporate server, or the Web.
PDFlib PLOP (PDF Linearization, Optimization, Protection) offers a straightforward way to linearize and optimize your PDF files for fast Web delivery, and to apply or remove Acrobat security features.
PDFlib PLOP DS (Digital Signature) offers all features of PLOP, plus the ability to apply digital signatures to PDF documents.
Member Info
Full Member
Joined September 2006
Headquartered in Germany
Published News
February 2017, Thomas Merz
PLOP/PLOP DS 5.2 unterstützt nun auch RSA-Signaturen mit PSS-Encoding sowie RSA-Zertifikatsicherheit mit OAEP-Padding. Weitere Informationen….
February 2017, PDFlib GmbH
PLOP/PLOP DS 5.2 now supports RSA signatures with PSS encoding and RSA certificate security with OAEP padding. Find … Read more
December 2016, Thomas Merz
PDFlib veröffentlicht PDFlib/PDFlib+PDI/PPS 9.1 mit neuer Funktionalität für die Farbverarbeitung sowie ein Update des kostenlosen PDFlib Block Plugin … Read more
December 2016, Thomas Merz
PDFlib releases PDFlib/PDFlib+PDI/PPS 9.1 with new features for color handling as well as an update of the free … Read more
September 2016, Thomas Merz
Ein detaillierter Artikel von PDFlib GmbH zu neuen Funktionen und Änderungen sowie veralteten Funktionen im kommenden PDF-2.0-Standard (ISO … Read more
September 2016, Thomas Merz
A detailed article by PDFlib GmbH on new features and changes as well as deprecated features in the … Read more
June 2016, Thomas Merz
Metadata has been described as the business card of a particular digital document. Metadata often comprises a set … Read more
June 2016, Thomas Merz
Metadaten stellen eine Art Visitenkarte für ein digitales Dokument dar. Sie enthalten in der Regel einen Satz von … Read more