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PDF Days Europe 2018 – schedule of sessions

Fittingly for the tenth anniversary of PDF’ becoming an ISO standard, standardization will play a significant role this year. The focus will be on recent developments, with an eye on the future. The agenda also includes PDF market analyses, next-generation PDF for mobile devices, universally accessible PDF files and the industry-supported veraPDF validator initiative.
About the author: The PDF Association staff delivers a vendor-neutral platform for PDF’s stakeholders, facilitating the development of open specifications and ISO standards for PDF technology. The staff are located in Germany, the … Read more

Excited for PDF Days Europe 2018? So are we! Register now!

Day 1 - Monday | Day 2 - Tuesday | Day 3 - Post Conference

Monday, May 14, 2018
10:00 WELCOME: Matt Kuznicki, Thomas Zellmann, PDF Association
KEYNOTE INTRODUCTION: Stephan Jaeggi, PrePress-Consulting
10:30 KEYNOTE: 25 Years of PDF
Richard Cohn, Adobe Systems, co-author of PDF 1.0
11:15 Coffee break and networking
Tracks PDF for users
Moderation: Thomas Zellmann
PDF for developers
Moderation: Boris Doubrov & Dietrich von Seggern
PDF for marketers
Duff Johnson
11:45 Ersetzendes Scannen für die elektronische Personalakte
 width= Holger Wiegratz, Bundesanstalt für Immobilienaufgaben
Tagged PDF 2.0
What PDF 2.0 tagging brings in the context of format interchange and repurposing?
Roman Toda, Normex /
Yulian Gaponenko, Dual Lab
PDF’s ISO-standardized subsets: a tour
Background, key features and utilization of ISO standards for PDF technology
Dietrich von Seggern, callas software
12:30 Lunch and networking
13:30 Studie PDF-Barrierefreiheit 2018
Ergebnisse des PDF/UA-Monitoring bei Deutschen Bundesministerien | Ausgabe 3
Markus Erle, axes4
PDF 2.0 Updates to rendering and color processing
Differences between ISO 32000-1 and ISO 32000-2
Matt Kuznicki, Datalogics
PDF statistics
The electronic document galaxy
Duff Johnson, PDF Association
14:15 PDF/UA in der Office-Welt
Barrierefreie PDF mit Bordmitteln – Möglichkeiten und Grenzen
 width= Dirk Frölich, PC & EDV Support
Encryption with PDF 2.0
Changes and powerful, lesser-known options beyond standard passwords
Roman Toda, Normex
veraPDF after PREFORMA
Real world adoption and industry needs for more PDF standards
Boris Doubrov, Martin Wrigley, veraPDF Consortium
15:00 Coffee break and networking
15:30 Creating more accessible documents from scans
Demonstration and discussion of augmenting scanned documents through automated PDF tagging
Armin Ortmann, Foxit Europe
Text and fonts in PDF
What has PDF 2.0 (not) changed for font encoding?
Dietrich von Seggern, callas software
Developing PDF
What's happening in the next generation of PDF
Matthew Hardy, Adobe Systems
16:15 PDF/UA for design agencies
Mastering daily challenges of design driven documents
Klaas Posselt, digital Prepress & ePublishing Consulting
Structure recognition for information retrieval and layout
Mining for structure in a reliable, scalable way
Joris Schellekens, iText Software
How to market PDF?
Catherine Andersz, PDFTron
17:00 Review of the day and summary of what we learned today (for all attendees)
Evening event

Tuesday, May 15, 2018
9:00 KEYNOTE: Beyond the page: my story with PDF 2.0
Duff Johnson, PDF Association
9:45 5 minutes with a PDF solution
PDF vendors show off their products in a race against the clock!
10:30 Coffee break and networking
Tracks PDF for users
Moderation: Thomas Zellmann
PDF for developers
Moderation: Boris Doubrov & Dietrich von Seggern
PDF for marketers
Moderation: Duff Johnson
11:00 GDPR and PDF – Are you ready?
An overview of GDPR compliance requirements highlighting PDF-specific considerations including identification of personal data in PDFs, exporting, security and redaction
Neil Pitman, Aquaforest
Can computers understand PDF documents as humans, or better?
What recent AI developments bring to our community and how to take advantage of them
Alexey Subach, Dual Lab
PDF interoperbility concerns
Some things are less portable than others
Vel Genov, Datalogics
11:45 Redaction in electronic documents
How I learned stop worrying and love PDF
Kevin Willems, iText Software
The power of 3D PDF
3D PDF Use cases, with history, status and future of 3D PDF in terms of ISO
Ulrich Isermeyer, Adobe Systems
PANEL: Driving interoperability
Broadening support for full-function PDF
Moderated by Duff Johnson, PDF Association
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Introducing ISO standards for PDF "processing steps" and "print product metadata"
New opportunities for managing print output
René Treuber, axaio software
ETSI-compliant Signing of PDF
News from ETSI about signing and validating PDF documents
Dr. Bernd Wild, intarsys
Membership has its privileges
How software developers, non-profits and government agencies use the PDF Association
Duff Johnson and Matthias Wagner,
PDF Association
14:15 Implementing PDF/A-based eIDAS trust services
Longterm Preservation and the use of PDF/A-3 as universal container format
Dr. Bernd Wild, intarsys
Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology for documents
How blockchain made me love everything I hate about digital signatures
Joris Schellekens, iText Software
PANEL: Members' question-time
Moderated by Matt Kuznicki, PDF Association
15:00 Coffee break and networking
15:30 Choosing a PDF conversion server for Schindler Elevators
Sebastian Schütze, Senior Azure / DevOps Consultant
PDF & Open Data
PDF Beyond final form visual content
Dov Isaacs, Adobe Systems
16:15 PANEL: Five visions of a PDF future
Catherine Andersz (PDFTron), Richard Cohn (Adobe), Harald Grumser (Compart), Carsten Heiermann (Foxit) and Duff Johnson (PDF Association) present their ideas for the next 25 years of PDF
Moderated by Matt Kuznicki, PDF Association
17:00 Member meeting

The Post-Conference offers all-day sessions; all at the same location!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018 – Post-Conference Workshops
9:30 - 17:00
PDF 2.0 Interop Workshop
PDF Association
PDF 2.0 Interop Workshops are intended to help achieve industry-wide consensus on the meaning and application of PDF technology standards.Intended for software developers, this Workshop offers a unique opportunity to test implementations and exchange test-files in a vendor-neutral space.
9:00 - 17:00
PDF Accessibility Best Practices 2018
Lernen von den Besten: Use Cases, Werkzeuge, Trends und Praxistipps rund um das effiziente Erstellen barrierefreier PDF-Dokumente
9:30 - 17:00
Barrierefreiheit für designlastige Publikationen – mit InDesign & MadeToTag  width=
axaio software
In diesem Mitmach-Tagesworkshop lernen Sie, wie Sie zielführend beim Erstellen von barrierefreien PDFs aus Adobe InDesign vorgehen.
10:00 - 17:00
callas presents the brand new pdfToolbox 10
callas software
The most important PDF solution for output and prepress automation upgrades to:

  • more flexibility for automated sequences
  • special modes for highest performance
  • improved cloud integration
  • even more intelligent Checks and Filters

Further Information about the Post-Conference:

Hotel recommendations and sightseeing tips:


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